Friday, May 13, 2011

holy busy week

hi, friends! this week has been super busy. duane's mom flew in from california early this morning and will be here til tuesday so we've got lots of fun things planned for the weekend. I have a hair appointment tomorrow morning then we're heading to the mall of america for the afternoon then off to my boss, sonya's, house for their housewarming party. it's probably going to be a great day. I have to try to get in my 3 assignments for my SLR class I'm taking. with the amount of pictures I take on the daily I never thought it would be this hard to set aside a few minutes to try to take some fast shutter & slow shutter photos. sheeeesh. but I'm REALLY loving this class and all the fun things I'm learning. I bought my canon t1i with absolutely no clue how to use it for what it's meant for (manual duhhh). now I just have to get cracking on those photos!

I really wanted to start my "friday favorites" today but seeing as I've had no time for anything, I'll have to start that next friday. so instead, I'll leave you with this, courtesy my lovely boyfriend. - even if you're the world's biggest prude, I hope you'll still find this as funny as I do.

also, umm, would anyone happen to know why my font & post title font are not the same fonts that I set them to in my template design? maybe it's just my computer (???) but I don't see "arial" or "lobster" anywhere on this blog. dumb.


  1. I think the font thing just varies between users - like if you don't have the font on your computer, it won't show up and your computer will use a default font instead. But they're right for me because I have those on my laptop already.

    I don't know if that makes sense but I think the boy explained it to me once. But I might have just totally confused everything he said.

  2. gahhh I have no idea. it says arial & lobster are installed. they showed up a week ago. totally over my head haha.


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